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BOS 07-14-03 Minutes
JULY 14, 2003
(Public Session)

Attendance:  Chairman Joan Funk, Barry Elliott, David Hall, Gerald McCarthy & Matthew Scruton
Staff:  Ernest M. Creveling, Town Administrator, Highway Supervisor Clark Hackett, CEO Paul Charron,
           Police Chief Scott Roberge, Sgt. Myron Crossley,  & Fire Chief Randall (Ky) Goslin

The meeting convened and was called to order by Chairman Funk at 6:10 p.m.  Photographs were taken by the local press for the Rochester Times, the Puddledock Press & Foster’s Daily Democrat, of Chairman Funk presenting commendations to both Chief Roberge and Sgt., Crossley for their life-saving efforts of Jay Thyng of Milton back in the spring.
Chairman Funk then moved on with the approval of previous meeting minutes.  Barry Elliott motioned to approve the minutes for June 19th, 2003.  David Hall seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  
Matthew Scruton motioned to approve the public hearing minutes from June 23, 2003 and Barry Elliott seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.  David Hall motioned to approve the public session minutes from June 23, 2003. Matthew Scruton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  Barry Elliott then motioned to approve the meeting minutes from June 30, 2003.  Joan Funk said a grammatical correction was needed on pg. #3, the word meeting needs an “e”.  Joan Funk seconded the motion, as amended and the vote was unanimous.  Barry Elliott motioned to approve the July 2, 2003 workshop meeting minutes and Joan Funk seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued regarding the need for brief minutes concerning the building tour the Board took of 39 N. Main St. (former Town Hall), immediately following the workshop.  The vote was four in favor and David Hall abstained, due to his absence from that workshop.  
Other Business
Ernie said he has received a memorandum of agreement for the $75,000 Community Health grant applied for by the towns of Milton, Middleton, Farmington, Strafford, New Durham & Rochester.  He said these monies would enable the formation of the Northern Strafford County Community Health & Safety Improvement Initiative.  He said he has drafted by-laws for the new council in preparation for presentation at tomorrow morning’s meeting with them.  Ernie said Jonathan Stewart of the Community Health Institute would be at the meeting tomorrow.  He said Farmington is the lead agency in this effort and must sign off first.  He then invited the Board to the grantee reception on July 23, 2003 at the Common Man in Concord, noting Deb Lee, the Health Officer & Emergency Mgemt. Director of Farmington would be attending, along with Dr. Robert Anthony of Frisbie Memorial Hospital.  Ernie said the Council’s office would be housed at Frisbie.
S.W.O.T. Summit Summary
Ernie said the results of the summit meeting have been compiled and these would be distributed to department heads, boards and committees, for their comments/ideas.  He said the summit was interesting and thought provoking.  Ernie added that he met with Michelle Gagne of the UNH Cooperative Extension Service and they’re willing to assist the Town in the customization/compilation of a new Community Profile.  Ernie said he has scheduled a workshop with Ms. Gagne for next Monday, July 21 to work with her concerning this.  Joan said she felt a profile would be a valuable tool.  
The meeting temporarily adjourned in order for the E 911 Public Hearing, scheduled to commence at 6:30 p.m. this evening.  
The Selectmen reconvened to their regular session portion of the meeting.  Joan Funk motioned to ratify the Board’s vote concerning the acceptance of the 27 street name changes presented by the E 911 Commission (see the attached list of name changes).  David Hall seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mutual Aid Agreement with the Town of Middleton
Chief Roberge said he has spoken five times with Acting Police Chief Randy Sobel, but hasn’t received confirmation back from the Town of Middleton concerning the mutual aid agreement.  Gerry said if he’s spoken with Chief Sobel so many times, what exactly was discussed.  Scott said he couldn’t discuss this

Selectmen’s Minutes 07/14/03-Pg. # 2

publicly.  Gerry said he wanted to enter executive session in order to facilitate further discussion, saying he wants to know what was discussed and if the mutual aid to Middleton was discontinued due to a Laurie issue.  He said if it was, that isn’t sufficient reason.  Gerry said he’s heard the taped version of Middleton’s Officer Tutt’s call for backup, wondering if Chief Roberge agreed with the actions of his officers.  Chief Roberge said it would not be in the best interest of the Town of Farmington for him to comment further at this time.  Gerry then asked why Scott couldn’t discuss this further and Scott replied that he has put forth an effort to negotiate with Middleton.  Gerry said, so what he is saying is,  he has full autonomy and answers to no one.  Gerry said he has a full understanding of the law protecting Chiefs of Police, but he can’t believe they don’t have to report/respond to their elected officials.  Chief Roberge said certain issues he wouldn’t be able to discuss in public session.  He then expressed his concern about liability to Farmington.  Matt said he supports the decisions/actions of the Farmington Police department.  Gerry asked Matt if he had the information pertaining to this and Matt said he had sufficient information to feel comfortable with his decision.  
Gerry then asked if downtown policing could be on the next agenda and the Selectmen agreed this could be addressed at their next meeting.  
Space Needs
Ernie said the Board of Selectmen viewed the former Town Hall building at 39 North Main concerning the installation of a vertical platform lift.  He said the Community Action Program office also needs relocating to outside of the old Town Hall, as well as the Puddledock Press seeking space within the old Town Hall.  He said a few vendors have viewed the site for the vertical lift, but have said that the available headroom is insufficient for an incline platform lift.  Ernie said he didn’t have pricing yet, because it’s not realistic, noting that demolition and reconstruction would be needed.  Gerry said he feels if the ramp is redesigned for the front of the building, then why would they even consider internal accessibility.  He said if the Selectmen wants to explore further options, they would have to get professional design opinions/drawings and this would be expensive.  Joan said if an elevator was originally voted on at Town Meeting, then they should, at least, explore the vertical lift.  Ernie said both vendors have said the two stairwells present serious challenges.  Discussion then ensued regarding the practicality of a lift versus a bonafide hydraulic lift elevator.  Concerns about ensuring an attractive appearance to the front of the old Town Hall were also expressed.  Barry said he would view the situation further with Ernie.  He then asked Ernie to get a specification sheet from the vendors, for all the measurements and clearance requirements.  
Railing Bids
Ernie said he has spoken with five metal fabricators and only two have actually come to view the front of the Main Street School building.  He said two bids have been received, one from Dave’s Welding, for $6,052.00, installed and the other from Milton Fabricating for, $4,400.  Ernie said he would speak with the lowest bidder further, about getting a sketch of a design(s).  
Purchasing Policy
Ernie said there has been some discussion regarding purchasing, spurred by the recent electrical bid award for the Parks & Recreation department and concerning the support of local businesses.  He said he’s drafted a policy, dividing the purchasing into categories such as:  $250.00-$1,000, etc., structured so the higher the cost, the less the required percentage of cost difference to local business, in order to prevent additional costs to the taxpayers.  He said he would like the Board of Selectmen to read the draft and to comment.  Ernie added the main thrust of this was also to initiate a “buy local” policy too.
Gerry said the first problem with the draft he sees is the word “shall” should be the word, because “may”, gives Farmington businesses a 10% play in their bid.  He said section 7. D. should be extended to the amount of a $5,000 bid, because a $1,000 bid is simply too low and for today.   Matt said he felt section 7.C. should have a higher threshold inserted, for those departments with higher budgets (above $135,000).  Ernie expressed concern about losing the ability to track expenses in so doing.  Barry agreed with Ernie that the limit shouldn’t be above $250.00.  Matt struck his suggestion.  He then asked if Ernie had surveyed any other communities about having a “buy local” program and Ernie said he hadn’t yet surveyed them.  Ernie said grant funding often requires this type of program for eligibility consideration/compliance.  Matt then asked if the lowest possible bidder is defined in the policy and discussion ensued regarding defining the percentage for higher bids.  Gerry wondered if the percentage shouldn’t be defined. Matt said the Board owes it to the taxpayers to save money.  Barry said the percentage difference is like “coffee money” for
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larger bids and is not substantial enough to make a difference and the Board of Selectmen should support local businesses even if it means a little more cost.  Ernie said the policy could state, “buy local”, when possible.  Barry said he feels the policy is more all encompassing, in order to get the department heads to consider buying local first versus considering where and with whom the most business has been done with.  Matt asked Ernie to survey other community’s policies and bring the information back before the Board.
Brad Anderson said, as a taxpayer, he thinks this is a great idea and feels it would be very helpful to community businesses.  Ernie said he’s also provided copies of the “buy local” promotional he drafted.  The Selectmen then discussed how to publicize the program and Ernie said the Board could set a September deadline to begin the promotions and this should be enough time to implement it.  
Ernie said the American Red Cross wants to award local heroes for different categories and he had the following nominees for the following categories: law enforcement-Chief Scott Roberge, Sgt. Myron Crossley, medical-Paul Carrier and Donna McCann, community impact-Beulah Thayer, etc.  He then asked he wondered if the Selectmen had considered if they had any other recommendations/nominations.  Joan said the Board needs to work hard to improve the image of Farmington.  Ernie said nominations must be submitted before September 1st, 2003.  Gerry said he believes Farmington resident, Tim Huppe should be nominated for community impact.  The Board also noted volunteer Alan Drew could be nominated as well as Roger Belanger.  Gerry questioned how the final award is determined and Ernie said he would have to contact the representative from the American Red Cross.  
Rte # 11 & 153 Intersection Redesign
Ernie told the Board he now has plans from the State D.O.T. for the intersection redesign and the State needs a signed agreement for entry and construction.  He said the State has said there are a couple of areas by the Sarah Greenfield Business Park, which will require drainage work, as a result of the redesign.  Ernie said Dick Weiss of the D.O.T. has said the State would need to hold another public hearing, in order to explain the progress of the redesign thus far.  Matthew Scruton motioned to permit the Town Administrator, Ernest M. Creveling to sign the agreement for entry and construction for the NH D.O.T.  Joan Funk seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  
The meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Lynn C. Seaboyer
Admin. Asst.